Cookie Monster

Well, our 3-day weekend is quickly coming to an end. It’s been fun, but now it’s time to get ready to get the work-week started.

We had a great day, though. After our yummy breakfast, Anthony and I went for a nice 40-minute or so walk on this great greenway by the lake…


Love the lake views!


And, then I did a bit of shopping – I found a great deal on a swimsuit for our upcoming anniversary vacation…


Lunch was not that photogenic, but it was definitely delicious! Leftover tofu and veggie pad thai + some barbeque pop-chips.


We spent our afternoon just doing some things around the house….laundry, cleaning, and I got the urge to make another batch of dark chocolate chip cookies- so good…we each had 2 as an “appetizer”. 🙂


For dinner, Anthony grilled this great mahi-mahi and we added a baked sweet potato and a Greek salad…simple and delicious. The fish was so good and such a huge piece- I ate about half and I’ll probably take the other half for lunch tomorrow.


I’m off to spend the last few minutes of the weekend relaxing- see you tomorrow!


10 responses to “Cookie Monster

  1. Mmmm…COOKIES! Those look delish!

    What a beautiful greenway to walk on! I wish I had something like that nearby – one of the disadvantages of my obsession with being a city girl.

    Have a great SHORT week!

  2. Ok, now I want (need!) chocolate chip cookies!

    Also, you won my FSTG giveaway, and I’m wasn’t sure what your e-mail was to contact you?? Will need your address!

  3. Mia {runs and rests}

    Cute pink suit! 😀 OMG, your cookies are sooo tempting!

  4. Now I want chocolate chip cookies (AGAIN – the same thing happened when you posted them last time!) 🙂

    Love the pink suit! It’s so great that you get to look forward to a vacation! 🙂

  5. cookie appetiser = awesome 😀

    Glad you enjoyed your weekend! When is your vacation?!

  6. Once again, those dark chocolate chip cookies look divine. So does that sweet potato! I had lots of sweet potatoes over the weekend and it made me want Thanksgiving to be here!

  7. Seems your cookies turned out better than our last batch. Seems that it is not as easy to convert metric as I thought. 250 g of butter (it was purchased at the local grocery store, not the commissary) is almost 1 cup, but it turns out it is just a little bit more. Makes for runny cookies!

  8. I love the new suit! i bought one this summer and ended up never wearing it, what a waste of money! I want to try those Pop chips, I hear they are really good. And, I’ve never tried dark chocolate chip cookies, yum!

  9. Oh lovely walking area! And great idea on the Greek salad – I had so many in Greece, I didn’t feel like them for a while. But you mentioning it here has made me crave some again! Espesh with some good quality olive oil – so good!

  10. I love pad thai; probably one of my fave ethnic foods!

    And dark chocolate is the best way to go in my opinion!

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